Statistical Decision Theory

statistical inference

data \(Z=(Z_1, \dots, Z_n)\) follow the distribution \(f(z|\theta)\)

  • \(\theta \in \Theta\) is the parameter of interest, but unknown. It represents uncertainties.
  • \(\theta\) is a scalar, vector, or matrix
  • \(\Theta\) is the set containing all possible values of \(\theta\)

the goal is to estimate \(\theta\) using the data, i.e., to construct \(\hat{\theta}(Z)\).

  • it combines the sampling information (data) with a knowledge of the consequences of our decisions.
  • major types of inference:
    • point estimation
    • interval estimation
    • hypothesis testing

loss & risk

  • loss function: \(\mathcal{L(\theta, \hat{\theta}): \Theta \times \Theta}\Rightarrow R.\)
    • \[L(\theta, \hat{\theta})\ge 0\]
    • quantifies the consequence for each decision \(\hat{\theta}\)
    • \(L(\theta, \hat{\theta}(Z))\) is a function of Z, and it is a random quantity
    • examples
      • squared error loss: \(L(\theta, \hat{\theta})=(\theta-\hat{\theta})^2\)
      • absolute error loss: $$ L(\theta, \hat{\theta})= \theta-\hat{\theta} $$
      • 0-1 loss: \(L(\theta, \hat{\theta})=\begin{cases}0, \quad \hat{\theta}=\theta \\ 1, \quad \hat{\theta}\neq \theta\end{cases}\)
  • risk function: expected loss
    • \(R(\theta, \hat{\theta}(Z))=E_Z[L(\theta, \hat{\theta})]=\int_{Z}L(\theta, \hat{\theta}(Z))f(z\theta)dz\).
    • \(R(\theta, \hat{\theta})\) is a deterministic function of \(\theta\)
    • \[R(\theta, \hat{\theta}) \ge 0\]
    • used to evaluate the overall performance of one estimator; compare two estimators; find the best estimator
    • example from regression
      • \[L(\theta, \hat{\theta})=(\theta-\hat{\theta}(Z))^2\]
      • \(R(\theta, \hat{\theta})=E_{Z}[\theta-\hat{\theta}]^2\), also known as the mean squared error (MSE)
    • example from binary classification
      • 0-1 loss \(L(\theta, \hat{\theta})=\mathcal{1}(\theta \ne \hat{\theta}(Z))\)
      • \(R(\theta, \hat{\theta})=E\mathcal{1}[\theta \ne \hat{\theta}(Z)]=\mathcal{P}(\theta \ne \hat{\theta}(Z))\), also known as the misclassification error rate

MSE & bias-variance tradeoff

  • \[bias(\hat{\theta}) = E(\hat{\theta})-\theta\]
  • \[var(\hat{\theta})=E[\hat{\theta}-E(\hat{\theta})]^2\]
  • decomposition of MSE
    • \[MSE = Bias^2[\hat{\theta}(Z)] + var[\hat{\theta}(Z)]\]
    • both bias and variance contribute to the risk

Risk comparison & best estimator

  • best estimator
    • \(\hat{\theta}^*(Z)\) is the estimator that minimizes the risk for all possible values of \(\theta\)
    • \[\hat{\theta}^*(Z) = \arg\min_{\hat{\theta}} R(\theta, \hat{\theta}(Z))\]

in practice, such estimator is not always available and there exists no uniformly best estimator. To avoid this difficulty, we restrict the estimators to be in a class C, i.e.,

  • C={unibased estimators}, i.e., \(E[\hat{\theta}(Z)]=\theta\)
  • C={linear decision rules}

UMVUE from unbiased estimators; best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) from linear decision rules.

in addition, the risk function is a function of the unknown parameter, not easy to use. alternative methods to compare risk include maximum risk and Bayes risk.

Bayes risk & minimax risk

  • maximum risk & minimax rule
    • a decision rule that minimizes the maximum risk
    • MinMax rule focuses on the worst-case risk; thus very conservative
  • Bayes risk
    • Bayes risk is the risk of the Bayes estimator
    • Bayes rule: Bayes estimators are the minimizers of the Bayes risk

Learning Theory for Supervised Learning

Supervised learning

  • input vector \(X \in R^p\)
  • output Y is either discrete- ot continuous-valued
  • the pair (X, Y) follow a joint distribution \((X, Y) \sim P(X, Y)\)

training data set:

  • \[\{(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), \ldots, (x_n, y_n)\} \sim i.i.d P(X, Y)\]
  • each data point carries some information about the population

the goal is to estimate the underlying relationship between X and Y,

\[f: X \Rightarrow Y\]

for future prediction

  • For regression, \(f: \mathcal{R^p \Rightarrow R}\)
  • For K-class classification, \(f: \mathcal{R^p \Rightarrow \{1,\cdots, K\}}\)

we would like f(X) to be as close as possible to Y, i.e., \(f(X) \approx Y\).

optimal learner

similar to decision theory, we minimize a learning loss function L to find

  • measure discrepancy between Y and f(X)
  • minimize the error of predicting Y

risk R(f) is the expected loss, or Expected Prediction Error (EPE). we seek the best \(f\) by minimizing the risk R(f) over the entire population:

\[f^{*}=\arg \min R(f)\]

optimal learner:

  • the optinal solution \(f^{*}\) depends on the loss function L
  • the optimal solution \(f^{*}\) depends on the joint distribution \((X, Y) \sim P(X, Y)\); if the joint distribution is unknown, the optimal solution is unachievable.
  • Bayes risk is the smallest possible risk, which is the risk of the Bayes estimator/optimal learner.

Bayes rule for binary classification

  • soft and hard classification rules
    • soft classifier: obtain $$\hat{P}(Y=1 X=x)\(, compare\)\hat{P}(Y=1 X=x)$$ with .5
      • examples: logistic regression, trees, LDA
    • hard classifier: directly estimate $$1(P(Y=1 X=x)>.5)$$
      • examples: SVM

empirical risk minimization

since P(X,Y) is unknown, the risk function R(f) is also unknown. we estimate the risk by the empirical risk:

\[R_{emp}(f) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n L(f(x_i), y_i)\]
  • ERM for regression
    • loss function \(L(Y,f(X))=[Y-f(X)]^2\)
    • empirical risk \(R_{emp}(f)=RSS(f)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}[y_i-f(x_i)]^2\), also known as residual sum of squares (RSS)

restricted estimators

  • overfitting: RSS=0
    • solution: restricted estimators to a class & penalization
  • pre-specified class
    • parametric model class: the form of f is known, only parameters are unknown
    • nonparametric model class: the form of f is unspecified
  • penalization:
    • penalized RSS = RSS + $$\lambda J(f)$

EPE interpretation

EPE = estimation error + approximation error

  • estimation error: the error of estimating the parameters of f, due to the finite training data
    • contribute to variance
  • approximation error: the error of approximating f, possible that the empirical function is not in the specified class
    • contribute to bias

Data issues

  • missing values
    • SVM, regularized models, neural networks cannot tolerate any missing values
    • CART and Naive Bayes can handle missing values
  • be on vastly different scales
  • follow a skewed distribution
  • contain a small number of extreme values
  • be censored on the low and/or high end of the range
  • have a complex relationship with the response and be truly predictive but cannot be adequately represented with a simple function or extracted by sophisticated models
  • contain relevant and overly redundant information

Feature Engineering

some machine learning algrithms require feature engineering, such as tree-based algorithms or the data to be in a specific form. Some algorithms perform better if the data is prepared in a specific way. Additionally, the raw data may not be in the best position to expose the underlying structure and relationships to the responses.

  • Feature Engineering
    • Feature Construction
      • categorical encoding
        • dummy variables: Creating dummy predictors may not be the most effective way of extracting predictive information from a categorical predictor.
        • factors
      • numerous variables
        • tree-based methods are immune to skewness and outliers
        • linear models, kNN, SVM are sensitive to skewness and outliers
        • MLR, nueral networks are adversely impacted by high correlations while partial least squares are designed for it
    • Feature Extraction
    • Feature Selection
    • Feature Transformation
      • regression methods work better when the features are standarized or normalized
    • Feature Scaling
      • instance based methods are more effective if the features have the same scale
    • Feature Interaction
  • linear models
    • linear regression
    • logistic regression (LR)
    • linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
  • tree-based methods
    • decision trees
    • random forest
    • gradient boosting
  • instance-based methods
    • kNN
    • SVM
  • neural networks
    • feedforward neural networks
    • convolutional neural networks
    • recurrent neural networks

Binary classification

  • input vector \(x \in \mathbb{R}^d\)
  • output \(y \in \{0,1\}\)
  • the goal is to construct a function \begin{equation}f: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow {0,1} \end{equation}

using 0-1 loss, the risk of a classifier \(f: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow Y\) is given by:

\begin{equation} R(f)=EPE(f)E_{X,Y} \mathcal{1}(Y \ne f(X)) = P(Y \ne f(X)) \end{equation}

the Bayes rule \(f^{*}\) relies on the posterior probabilities

\begin{equation} f^{*}=\arg \min R(f)=\begin{cases} 1 \quad if \quad P(Y=1|X=x) > P(Y=0|X=x)
0 \quad if \quad P(Y=1|X=x) <> P(Y=0|X=x) \end{cases} \end{equation}

the Bayes risk is defined as the risk of \(f^{*}\), which has the smallest possible risk among all possible classifiers

\begin{equation} R(f^{})=P(Y \ne f^{}(X))=P(Y=1)P(Y=0|X=x)+P(Y=0)P(Y=1|X=x) \end{equation}

example: rare disease

define class 1 = “disease”, 0 = “disease-free”. \(\pi_1=1\%, \pi_0=99\%\).

recall the Bayes rule $$f(x)=\mathcal{1}(P(Y=1 X=x) > P(Y=0 X=x))$$
  • posterioe class probability P(Y=j X=x) gives updated probabilities after observing x
  • if $$P(Y=1 X=x) > 0.5$$, thenwe randomly assign data to one class.

Example: Assume a certain rare disease occurs among 1% of the population. There is a test for this disease: 99.5% of the disease will test positive, and only 0.5% of the disease-free group will test positive. (We assume the false positive and false negative rate are both 0.005.) Now a person comes with a positive test result. What is the prediction rule?

the conditional probability of X given Y is

\[P(X=+|Y=1)=0.995, P(X=-|Y=0)=0.005 \\ P(X=+|Y=0)=0.005, P(X=-|Y=0)=0.995\]

using Bayes’ Theorem,

\[P(Y=1|X=+) = \frac{P(X=+|Y=1)P(Y=1)}{P(X=+)} = \frac{P(X=+|Y=1)P(Y=1)}{P(X=+|Y=1)P(Y=1)+P(X=+|Y=0)P(Y=0)} = \frac{0.995*0.01}{0.995*0.01+0.005*0.99} = 0.668 \\ P(Y=0|X=+) = \frac{P(X=+|Y=0)P(Y=0)}{P(X=+)} = \frac{0.005*0.99}{0.995*0.01+0.005*0.99} = 0.332\]
Since P(Y = 0 X = +) = 0.332 < 0.668, the Bayes rule assigns a person with the “+” test result to class “disease”.
Similarly, P(Y = 0 X = −) = 0.9999, P(Y = 1 X = −) = 0.0001, so the Bayes rule assigns a person with the “-” test result to class “disease-free”.

unequal cost

the Bayes rule under unequal cost is given by

\begin{equation} f^{*}(x)= \begin{cases} 1 \quad if \quad C(1,0)P(Y=1|X=x) > C(0,1)P(Y=0|X=x)
0 \quad if \quad C(1,0)P(Y=1|X=x) < C(0,1)P(Y=0|X=x) \end{cases} \end{equation}

Linear classification methods

two popular linear classifiers

  • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
  • Logistic Regression models (LR)
    • both models rely on the linear-odd assumption, indirectly or directly.
    • LDA and LR estimate the coefficients in a different ways.

linear-logit model (LDA and LR): assume that the logit is linear in x:

\begin{equation} \log \frac{P(Y=1|X=x)}{P(Y=0|X=x)}=w^Tx+b \end{equation}

posterior probability:

\begin{equation} P(Y=1|X=x)=\frac{e^{w^Tx+b}}{1+e^{w^Tx+b}}=\frac{1}{1+e^{-w^Tx-b}}
P(Y=0|X=x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{w^Tx+b}} \end{equation}

under equal-cost, the decision boundary is given by $${x w^Tx+b=0}={x P(Y=1 X=x)=0}$$.


LDA assumptions

  • each class density is multivariate Guassian: $$X Y_j \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_j)$$
  • Equal covariance matrices for each class: \(\sigma_j = \sigma\)

under mixture Guassian assumption, the log-odds is expressed as:

\begin{equation} \log \frac{P(Y=1|X=x)}{P(Y=0|X=x)}=\log \frac{\pi_1 \phi(x|\mu_1, \Sigma)/m(x)}{\pi_0 \phi(x|\mu_0, \Sigma)/m(x)}
= \log \frac{\pi_1}{\pi_0} + \log \phi(x|\mu_1, \Sigma)- \log \phi(x|\mu_0, \Sigma)
= \log \frac{\pi_1}{\pi_0} - \frac{1}{2}(x-\mu_1)^T\Sigma^{-1}(x-\mu_1) + \frac{1}{2}(x-\mu_0)^T\Sigma^{-1}(x-\mu_0)
= \log \frac{\pi_1}{\pi_0} - \frac{1}{2}(\mu_1+\mu_0)^T\Sigma^{-1}(\mu_1-\mu_0) + x^T\Sigma^{-1}(\mu_1-\mu_0)
\log \frac{\pi_1}{\pi_0} - \frac{1}{2}(\mu_1+\mu_0)^T\beta_1+x^T\beta_1 \end{equation}

under 0-1 loss, the Bayes rule is: assign 1 to x if and only if:

\[\log \frac{P(Y=1|X=x)}{Y=0|X=x}>0\]

which is equivalent to: assign 1 to x if and only if:

\[\bigg [ \log \frac{\pi_1}{\pi_0} - \frac{1}{2}(\mu_1+\mu_0)^T\Sigma^{-1}(\mu_1-\mu_0) \bigg ] + x^T\Sigma^{-1}(\mu_1-\mu_0) > 0.\]


  • denote $$\mu=E(Y X)=P(Y=1 X)$$.
  • assuming \(g(\mu)=\log \frac{\mu}{1-\mu}=\beta_0+\beta_1^TX\).

high-dimensional classifiers

  • LDA-type
    • Naive Bayes, Nearest Shrunken Centroid (NSC)
    • sparse LDA, regularized LDA
  • penalized logistic regression
  • large-margin methods
    • support vector machines (SVM)
  • classification tree
    • decision tree
    • random forest
  • boosting

Nonlinear classifier

  • KNN
  • kernal SVM
  • trees, random forests

Nearest Neighbor (NN) classifiers

kernal SVM

Model Selection

  • Cross Validation
    • K-fold Cross Validation
    • Stratified K-fold Cross Validation
    • Leave-One-Out Cross Validation
    • Repeated K-fold Cross Validation
    • Nested Cross Validation



  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
  • Mean Squared Error (MSE)
  • Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
  • R-squared (R^2)
  • Adjusted R-squared (R^2_adj)


  • Confusion Matrix
  • Accuracy
  • ROC Curve: True Positive Rate (TPR) vs False Positive Rate (FPR)
  • AUC: Area Under the ROC Curve
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • Precision-recall Curve
  • F1 Score

confusion matrix

Actual \ Predicted Positive Negative
Positive TP FN
Negative FP TN
  • \[\mathcal{accuracy = \frac{(TP + TN)}{(TP + TN + FP + FN)}}\]
  • balanced data
    • sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN)
    • specificity = TN / (TN + FP)
    • true positive rate (TPR) = sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN)
    • false positive rate (FPR) = 1- specificity = FP / (FP + TN)
    • ROC curve
      • True Positive Rate (TPR) vs. False Positive Rate (FPR)
      • sensitivity vs. (1-specificity)
    • AUC: Area Under the ROC Curve
  • imbalanced data
    • \[\mathcal{precision = sensitivity = \frac{TP}{(TP + FP)}}\]
    • \[\mathcal{recall = \frac{TP}{(TP + FN)}}\]
    • F1 Score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
    • precision-recall curve: True Positive Rate (TPR) vs False Positive Rate (FPR)