
A folder of research projects on Metabolomics

  • Urinary Metabolomics in Tucson Structure Firefighters: Pre-, and Post-fire exposure:
    • aims: to characterize & compare metabolic profiles before and post fire exposure
    • data source: Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)
    • research question: Does fire exposure alter the metabolic profiles in firefighters?
    • contribution: led statistical analyses & drafted manuscript & publication
    • status: published
  • Urinary Metabolomics in Tucson Structure Firefighters: differential metabolome by Hispanic ethnicity:
    • aims: to characterize differential metabolome by Hispanic ethnicity, before and post structure fire exposure
    • data source: Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Study(FFCCS)
    • research question: Is there a difference in the metabolic profiling between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic firefighters? Is the difference exacerbated by fire exposure?
    • contribution: led statistical analyses & drafted manuscript & publication
    • status: manuscript under peer review
  • Urinary Metabolomics in Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Firefighters: Pre-, and Post-fire exposure:
    • aims: to characterize & compare metabolic profiles before and post fire exposure among male WUI firefighters
    • data source: Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Study(FFCCS)
    • research question:
      • Does WUI fire exposure alter the metabolic profiles in WUI firefighters?
      • explore potential health risks associated with the metabolic changes
    • contribution: led statistical analyses & drafted manuscript & publication
    • status: manuscript under internal review

Active research projects are listed below:

  • Urinary Metabolomics in prostate cancer patients: PCa risk groups:
    • aims: to characterize and comparing metabolic profiles between patients with high-grade and low-grade prostate cancer
    • data source: Cancer Center, University of Arizona
    • contribution: led statistical analyses & manuscript preparation
    • status: manuscript in preparation
  • Urinary Metabolomics in Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Firefighters: Pre-, and Post-fire exposure:
    • aims: to characterize & compare metabolic profiles before and post fire exposure among male WUI firefighters
    • data source: Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Study(FFCCS)
    • research question:
      • Does fire exposure alter the metabolic profiles in WUI firefighters?
      • explore potential health risks associated with the metabolic changes
    • contribution: led statistical analyses & drafted manuscript & publication
    • status: manuscript under internal review