
A folder of projects on Biostatistics and Statistics

This folder commits to the application of biostatistics knowledge on clinical, randomized trials and observational studies. Goals include:

  • write a good statistical analysis plan
  • understand the obstacles when dealing real-world data
  • apply biomedical/research statistical analyses
  • excel various analytical models

Code and raw datasets are placed in this Github repository

  • Logistic Regression:
    • analytics: logistic regression model, build & interpretation
    • data source: Framingham longitudinal heart study
    • research question: Does quitting smoking reduce the likelihood of incident cardiovascular disease?
  • Survey Analysis:
    • analytics: survey data analysis with weights
    • data source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2017-2018 data
    • research question: Is vaping associated with increased blood lead levels? Is there effect modification by age or gender?
  • Longitudinal Analysis:
    • analytics: longitudinal data analysis & missing data imputation
    • data source: longitudinal data from study “A Phase 3 placebo-controlled, double-blind, multi-site trial of the alpha-2-adrenergic agonist, lofexidine, for opioid withdrawal”
    • research question:
      • Is there group difference between the treatment group and placebo group with respect to MHOWS (parallel group response profiles)?
      • Is there any time effect?
  • Propesity Score Matching Analysis:
    • analytics: propensity score matching and outcome analysis
    • data source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data I Epidemiologic Follow Up Study (NHEFS) 1971&1982 follow-up data
    • research question: Is there an effect of smoking cessation on weight gain?