
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.

  1. Evaluating changes in firefighter urinary metabolomes after structural fires: an untargeted, high resolution approach
    Melissa A. Furlong, Tuo Liu, Justin M. Snider, and 9 more authors
  2. Differential Metabolic Profiles by Hispanic Ethnicity Among Male Tucson Firefighters
    Tuo Liu, Melissa A. Furlong, Justin M. Snider, and 9 more authors
    2024, manuscript under journal review
  3. Evaluating Differential Metabolic Profile by Wildland-Urban-Interface Fire Exposure: A Comparison with Structure Fire
    Tuo Liu, Melissa A. Furlong, Justin M. Snider, and 2 more authors
    2024, manuscript under internal review
  4. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and microRNA: an epigenome-wide association study
    Melissa A. Furlong, Tuo Liu, Alesia Jung, and 10 more authors
  5. Proteomic Profiling to Investigate Biomarkers and Biological Functions Associated with Long COVID in Frontline Workers
    Tuo Liu, Danielle Stea, Melissa A. Furlong, and 1 more author
    2024, manuscript under preparation
  6. Evaluating Differential Metabolic Profile by Prostate Cancer Risk among Prostate Cancer Patients
    Tuo Liu, ken Batai, Justin M. Snider, and 2 more authors
    2024, manuscript under preparation